Monday, November 2, 2015

Why Are We Told to Grow Up?

Ok, now I feel like we tend to go through this conversation every once in a while with someone, specifically with adults such as our parents. The question is why are we told to grow up? Personally I tell my parents that "I wasn't ready, or will I ever be," but in reality I tend to act and be an adult when I have to but I also like to keep my spunk that makes me, ME. Having spunk keeps you in spiritual way as a child who enjoys Disney, dressing up for Halloween, a d acting like a complete goofball in a setting that is appropriate. But I understand that there is a time where you have to be a grown up, such as when you have to pay your bills, or meetings with porfessionals where your mature side has to be out and about. However, just by keeping a little bit of your spunk allows your inner child never to fade away, but to behave as a good child until its time to play.

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