Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My Best Friend: Procrastination

Do you know what temptation is? No? Well let me introduce you to Procrastination. You see, Procrastination and I go way back to 6th grade where we began to write essays and reading analysis. Now Procrastination is a person who always delays or postpones something till the very end, usually when the deadline is staring at you in the face. And of course my buddy here had to teach me his ways. I know, my buddy is a very bad influence because I should have my work done ahead of time so I am not so time crunched, but you just don't understand the things he's shown me to waste time. One of the things that my best friend has taught me is to unconsciously go on to any kind of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc... As well as to log into Netflix and Youtube and just watch random videos just to waste further time. Now I know what you're thinking, that I should drop this person but I can't because getting distracted is much more entertaining than doing work. However the sad realization is that Procrastination will always be my best friend no matter how hard I try to dissociate myself from him. Do you understand my struggle? Even posting this almost to the due date was his fault.

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