Tuesday, November 17, 2015


     Ok now the one thing that I am looking forward to is BREAK!!! Im gonna be honest, right now I am so stressed out and overwhelmed with so many things due that fall break seems like a dream come true. Although I know that I will not be traveling anywhere for thanksgiving yet I am so happy to just stay home for a week in my pjs and watch holiday specials. Also I get to finally enjoy family time, which is something that I have been lacking these past couple of months.
     However what I have come to realized these past couple of months I have come to realize how important family truly is and it is sad how we tend to take them for granted most of the time. Like my grandma, she tends to ask me how my life is going, what do I need, and most of all how am I doing? And that's what break will bring for me is to be with my entire family and just be reminded of the simple and little things in my life that make my world happy and stable.

My Best Friend: Procrastination

Do you know what temptation is? No? Well let me introduce you to Procrastination. You see, Procrastination and I go way back to 6th grade where we began to write essays and reading analysis. Now Procrastination is a person who always delays or postpones something till the very end, usually when the deadline is staring at you in the face. And of course my buddy here had to teach me his ways. I know, my buddy is a very bad influence because I should have my work done ahead of time so I am not so time crunched, but you just don't understand the things he's shown me to waste time. One of the things that my best friend has taught me is to unconsciously go on to any kind of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc... As well as to log into Netflix and Youtube and just watch random videos just to waste further time. Now I know what you're thinking, that I should drop this person but I can't because getting distracted is much more entertaining than doing work. However the sad realization is that Procrastination will always be my best friend no matter how hard I try to dissociate myself from him. Do you understand my struggle? Even posting this almost to the due date was his fault.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Lost Souls Reunited

Over the years we all go through a phase where friendships are tested to see if they are the ones that are going to be there in your times of need and hopelessness. But also the ones that want you to succeed because they know that you are destined for more. It is unfortunate that we all have to go through this test because you get to know those people true colors; were they with you because of status, money, or just that you were easy to manipulate? I however was fortunate enough to have undergone this challenge and discovered that the two girls that I call best friends will always be my best friends. They were with me through the most difficult of times and pushed me to get to the place they know that I was supposed to be. Have you met the souls that will be with you till the end?

Caffiene... Essential or A Desire?

I bet everyone buys coffee or makes coffee at home, and it would be a lie if you said you never drink energy drinks to stay awake. It is sad to say that our bodies mostly run on caffiene now to get through the day and at night to do homework or grading assignments. So would you consider caffiene as a necessity or a want? According to this blog, Surburban Finance, caffiene is a need not a necessity, its just that our bodies like the feeling that we get from it, http://suburbanfinance.com/a-cup-of-coffee-daily-necessity-or-daily-indulgence/

Music Is A Universal Language

So last week my friend introduced me into the world of KPOP, which is Korean pop music. At first I was somewhat hesistant to listen to it because its in a whole different language and I do not speak it much less understand it. But I tried it out and I fell and slipped into this fan world for Kpop. She got me hooked on a boy band group called Seventeen and a few others called EXO and BTS. But it's so weird to me because I really like the music and I read the subtitles so I know what they're saying, yet it's funny to me because this is the only reason I am probably gonna learn Korean. However I love just by how music can introduce you into a new culture that you never really bothered to explore, it's just like food. You don't understand what it's all about until you taste it or immerse yourself in it. Has something like this ever happened to you? Because if it hasn't find someone from a different background and introduce yourself into their culture.

BTS: Boy in Luv

J Balvin feat Farruko: 6 am

Adults At 18, But Not Able To Do Anything Legally Till Your 21

You know what's irritating? Being 18 and not being able to do anything besides voting and smoke which I find disgusting so don't take it personally if you like to smoke. It sucks to turn 18 and be considered an adult because that's when your finally "legal" and able to "comprehend" what's going on in the world according to America anyways. In various places your considered an adult when you turn 16 or 18, such as in the Bahamas. There you are ablel to gamble, drink, go out to the clubs and basically do anything that you want whereas in the U.S you have to be 21 to do any of that legally. Also if you commit even any little petty crime you go directly to an adult prison not, not even a correctional facility or juvenile jail. Your responsible for yourself, so no more relying on mommy and daddy when you commit idiotic things and your calling them to bail you out.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Why Are We Told to Grow Up?

Ok, now I feel like we tend to go through this conversation every once in a while with someone, specifically with adults such as our parents. The question is why are we told to grow up? Personally I tell my parents that "I wasn't ready, or will I ever be," but in reality I tend to act and be an adult when I have to but I also like to keep my spunk that makes me, ME. Having spunk keeps you in spiritual way as a child who enjoys Disney, dressing up for Halloween, a d acting like a complete goofball in a setting that is appropriate. But I understand that there is a time where you have to be a grown up, such as when you have to pay your bills, or meetings with porfessionals where your mature side has to be out and about. However, just by keeping a little bit of your spunk allows your inner child never to fade away, but to behave as a good child until its time to play.
